Apply NOW || Ghana Teacher Prize 2023 || All that you need to know before Applying and How to Apply



The deadline is  31st May 2023 to allow more qualified Teachers to Apply.

Every teacher that meet the requirement should apply for which he/she will be selected. Put all fear and anxiety away and apply.



Please fill out this form as honestly and accurately as possible. Applicants should hold full responsibility for all the information filled out on application forms.

The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form. Your email is not part of your response.

* Required

  • First Name *
  • Last Name *
  • Gender *
  • Male
  • Female
  • Date of Birth *
  • Please, enter your date of birth starting with the month, day, and year
  • Email Address *
  • Enter your valid email address
  • Alternate Email Address
  • Please, provide an alternate email address if you have
  • Phone Number *
  • License Number *
  • CPD Points *
  • Social Media *
  • Enter details of your Social Media handles
  • District *
  • Region *
  • Name of School/Institution *
  • School/Institution Address *
  • Subject(s) Taught *
  • Level *
  • Age range of students *Your answer
  • Type of school *
  • List of schools you have taught with dates *
    Your answer
  • Your teaching qualifications *
  • Date you entered the teaching profession *
    Please, enter the date starting with the month, day, and year
  • Your town/city *
  • Provide the name of your city Your answer
  • Your nationality *
  • Select your nationality
  • Languages spoken *Your answer
  • Another way to contact you *Your answer
  • How did you find out about Ghana Teacher Prize / Non-Teaching Prize? *Your answer
  • Are you a member of a teacher union? */ CETAG
  • If yes, which one? *
  • Teachers and Educational Workers Union (TEWU)
    National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT)
    Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT)
    A coalition of Concerned Teachers Ghana (CCT-GH)
  • Do you fulfill the Ghana Teacher Prize eligibility criteria? *
    Please attach your CV *
    Add file
  • Can we send you SMS messages? *



This section requires applicants to provide the following;
1. Your Story (800 words)
2. Context and Challenges (300 words)
3. Classroom Achievements (300 words)
4. Innovation (300 words)
5. Recognition (of teaching achievement) (300 words)
6. Developing Global Citizens (300 words)
7. Community Impact (300 words)
8. Improving the teaching profession (300 words)
9. Your Teaching Approach (300 words)
10. Use of Funds (300 words)
YOUR STORY-800 words only: (Allowed file type is Word Document. Please, include your name in the document or file name) *

Please tell us why you deserve to win the Ghana Teacher Prize. Share your story about being a teacher, your background, why you choose to dedicate your career to teaching, and why you believe you have made an outstanding contribution to the profession. Please include specific examples of the challenges you have faced, your innovation in the classroom, your classroom results, and your impact on the community. Finally, if you had to choose one achievement that you feel makes you worthy of winning the Ghana Teacher Prize, what would it be?


300 words only: (Allowed file type is Word Document. Please, include your name in the document or file name) *
Please tell us about the context in which you teach and any particular challenges that your school or students face. For instance, the personal, health, learning, family, or social and environmental obstacles that your students have to overcome.
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300 words only: (Allowed file type is Word Document. Please, include your name in the document or file name) *
Please highlight some of the measurable outcomes that are the result of your teaching practices. (Give specific examples of how your teaching has produced excellent results in terms of student outcomes. This could be through examination or test results that illustrate student progress. It may be through improvement in inspection results/special recognition such as awards for your school, class, or students. It may be the number of students who have gone to university/college and graduated, or improved student behavior or attendance. Please include numbers/scores showing the impact you have had on individuals/groups of students).
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300 words only: (Allowed file type is Word Document. Please, include your name in the document or file name) *
Tell us about any creative, unusual, or otherwise extraordinary teaching practices you have introduced in the lessons that you believe have made a difference to your student’s education or even helped them overcome any particular challenges they may face. (For example, innovative instructional practices such as introducing technology into the classroom, redesigning how you teach the curriculum, working with other organizations, evidence on fostering wider softer skills and personal attributes in young people which support their development for the future labor force and society, etc.)
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300 words only: (Allowed file type is Word Document. Please, include your name in the document or file name) *
Please give specific examples of recognition for your work from pupils, colleagues, head teachers, or other members of the community. (This could be through local/national teaching awards; recognition in local/national press or academic publications; references or testimonials from high achieving students, peers, and principals; or active senior level member of an external organization or board that furthers an element of education).
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300 words only: (Allowed file type is Word Document. Please, include your name in the document or file name) *
Explain your approach to embedding global citizenship in your classroom and how you define the success of your work in this area. Please give specific examples about how you give young people a sense of responsibility that extends beyond their country’s borders as well as the life and work skills that will prepare them for a 21st century world where they will potentially live, work and socialise with people from many different nationalities, cultures and religions. (Examples could be through connecting with other classrooms around the world, field trips, making use of technology to reach out beyond your community and country, arranging work placements or other introductions to the world of work; and promoting student exchange programmes)
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300 words only: (Allowed file type is Word Document. Please, include your name in the document or file name) *
Please tell us about what you do “above and beyond” the requirements of your role to ensure your students get the education you feel they deserve. (For example: creating special programmes outside of school hours, providing special one-to-one tuition, reaching out to the family and community for their support, providing guidance in other aspects of your students’ lives to help them focus on their education.) In addition please tell us about work that you do in the community that is separate to your work as a teacher. (For example: community fundraising, volunteering roles, participation in community awards, talks, seminars; membership of local organisations, written contributions in media, working with others to tackle specific problems in the community)
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300 words only: (Allowed file type is Word Document. Please, include your name in the document or file name) *
Share how you are contributing to the improvement of the teaching profession. How are you helping to raise the bar of teaching, sharing best practices with your colleagues and helping them overcome the challenges they face in your school or in their school? (For example, through teaching or mentoring teachers at your school, other schools or teacher training institutions; contributing to public debates on the teaching profession, whether through speaking engagements, writing articles, blogs, media participation, social media campaigns, events or conferences; or other examples of practice that have elevated the status of teaching in your country.)
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300 words only: (Allowed file type is Word Document. Please, include your name in the document or file name) *
Please tell us about your teaching approach. (For example, are there tried and tested models of practice that you have used which are effective, replicable and scaleable?)
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300 words only: (Allowed file type is Word Document. Please, include your name in the document or file name) *
If you were to win the Prize, how do you plan to spend the money in the short term and over the next 10 years? The money would be yours to spend as you wish, however please share any projects that you are passionate about e.g. teaching, school or community related projects that would benefit from the additional funding and worldwide recognition the Prize would bring.
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Please include references from one or all of the following: Head teacher / Colleague or peer / Community member (Recommended) *
Include your full name in the document or file name (All documents must be put in a single file. (Allowed file types: Document and PDF)
Add file

Please attach photos to your application (e.g. you in teaching environment, with your pupils, at school, outside school, etc) (Recommended) *
Include your full name in the document or file name (All documents must be put in a single file. (Allowed file types: Presentation & Image)
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Please include YouTube URLs or other presentations or documents to support your application. (Recommended) *
Include your full name in the document or file name (All documents must be put in a single file. (Allowed file types: Document, PDF, Presentation & Image)
Add file

You have agreed for us to contact you regarding Ghana Teacher Prize through the information you have given above. The information you have provided on this form will only be used for the purposes specified here. You may contact us at any time, if you wish to exercise your right to delete, amend, stop processing or any of your rights under the Data Protection Act 2012 (Act 843) or relevant Data Protection Law that is applicable. *
I have read and agree to the notice above

Teacher prize

The non-teaching category is open to all who are currently working at the pre-tertiary education institution (both public and private) and might have worked for at least five (5) years.
Interested applicants are to apply through the following links below:


The Prize is open to all professionally trained and licensed teachers currently working at the pre-tertiary education space (both public and private) and have been teaching for not less than five (5) years.

Selection Criteria

Applications for the Ghana Teacher Prize will be judged based on a rigorous set of criteria to select a teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession. The final judging committee will look for evidence of:

1. Recognition of a teacher’s achievements in the classroom and beyond from learners, colleagues, heads of schools or members of the wider community.
For example, through local/national awards and certificates.
2. Employing innovative and effective instructional practices that are replicable and scalable. For example, through the innovative use of technology or non-typical instructional techniques that can be replicated in other classrooms.
3. Achieving demonstrable student learning outcomes in the classroom. For example, through the improvement of student grades, student attendance / behavior; students becoming achievers in the world of work.
4. Ensuring learners receive value-based education that promotes global citizenship (different religions, cultures and nationalities, linking up with schools in other parts of the community/ country, promoting exchange programmes, excursion)
5. Achievements in the community beyond the classroom that provide unique and distinguished models of excellence for the teaching profession and others.
For example, recognition through the media, community awards, talks, seminars and membership of local organizations. How do you bring the community into your classroom?
6. Contribution to teaching and the teaching profession: Public debates, research activities, writing articles, blogs, media participation, social media campaigns, events or conferences.
7. Professional Competence: This category of assessment includes academic / professional qualifications, workshops and seminars, provision of in-service training and evidence of quality delivery of service. The staff should be well informed especially about educational policies and issues.
8. Personality Factors: This includes the social, moral and emotional, positive manifestations and role modeling to staff, students and community.
9. Innovations and creativity: This includes new ways and methods of teaching and the use of technology and coping with work in an era of a pandemic. The teacher sets realistic expectations and demonstrates problem solving abilities.

Based on the above criteria, nomination of teachers is as follows:
i. Self-nomination
ii. Staff nomination
iii. PTA of School nomination
iv. Community nomination (students, alumni, traditional / religious leaders
v. Union nomination

Interested applicants should apply through the following links: (Teaching Staff)

All applicants are expected to adhere strictly to the attached selection criteria. The deadline for
application is 31st May, 2023.


The Prize is open to all non-teaching staff currently working at pre-tertiary education institutions (both public and private) and have been working for not less than five (5) years.

Selection Criteria
The criteria for selecting the most outstanding non-teaching staff who made the most significant contribution towards education delivery are as follows:

1. Achieving demonstrable performance indicators in the area of operation of the individual staff. These include:
a. Works to job specification / job description.
b. Submission of timely reports of institutions and other offices.
c. Evidence of cost saving activities and prudent use of resources.
d. Punctuality, regularity and comportment.
e. Efficiency and effectiveness in the institution.

2. Recognition of the Staff’s achievements in the institution or office (for example unique performances or an output that enables the institution to impact positively on the learners).

3. Helping the department in which the staff works to achieve its targets (for example timely filing of documents in registries, procurement documentation, stores management etc.).

4. Commitment: Staff, who are committed to work, personal development, positive behavior for the benefit of self and education in Ghana.

5. Achievements in the community beyond the institution or office that provide unique and distinguished models of excellence for the work the applicant does.
(Recognition through community awards, talks, seminars, membership of local organisations and contributions in the media, with a focus on bringing the community into the school environment).

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1.Professional Competence
This category of assessment includes academic/professional qualifications, workshops, seminars, provision of in-service training and evidence of quality delivery of service. The staff should be well informed especially about educational policies and issues.

2. Personality Factors
This includes the social, moral, emotional, emotional intelligence, role modeling to staff, students and the community.

3. Contribution to the Community
This takes into account, staff’s participation in the socio-economic development of the community. Work experience in rural/urban settings, as well as support for the vulnerable is an added advantage.

4. Innovations and creativity
This includes new ways or approach to work, and the use of technology. The staff sets realistic expectations and demonstrates problem solving abilities.

Based on the above criteria, nomination of non-teaching staff is as follows:
i. Self-nomination
ii. Staff nomination
iii. PTA of School nomination
iv. Community nomination (students, alumni, traditional / religious leaders)
v. Union nomination

Interested applicants should apply through the following links: 



The Prize is open to professionally trained and licensed teachers currently working at the pre-tertiary education space (both public and private) and have been working as an administrator for not less than five (5) years. These may include but not limited to Directors of Education, Managers of Educational Units, School Improvement Support Officers (SISOs), Heads of schools etc.

Selection Criteria
An applicant is qualified for selection based on the following criteria:

1. Achieving demonstrable performance in the area of operation of the individual staff. For example, meeting deadlines with assignments to meet the expectation of the institution or office in the area where the staff operates. These include:
a. Having a clear vision and mission statement.
b. Submission of timely reports of institutions and other offices.
c. Evidence of financial stewardship and accountability.
d. Punctuality and comportment.
e. Efficiency and effectiveness in the institution.
f. Effective use of management systems.
g. Evidence of teamwork.

2. Recognition of the staff’s achievements in the institution or office, for example unique performances or an output that enables the institution to impact positively on the students/ teachers/staff.

3. Helping the department in which the staff works to achieve its targets (for example improved learning outcomes, etc.).
4. Commitment: staff who are committed to work, personal development and the projection of the image of the profession.

5. Community service in the areas of role modeling, mentorship, outreach, etc.
(Recognition through community awards, talks, seminars, membership of local organizations, contributions in media).

6. Contribution to teaching and the teaching profession: Public debates, research activities, writing articles, blogs, media participation, social media campaigns, events or conferences.

1. Professional Competence
This category of assessment includes academic/professional qualifications, workshops, seminars, In-Service training, and evidence of quality delivery of service. The staff should be well informed especially about educational policies and issues.

2. Personality Factors
This includes the social, emotional, moral, emotional intelligence, role modeling to staff, students and community.

3. Contribution to the Community
This takes into account, staff’s participation in the socio-economic development of the community, provision of In-Service training, work experience in rural/urban settings, as well as support for the vulnerable is an added advantage.

4. Innovations and creativity
This includes new ways or approach to work and the use of technology. The staff sets realistic expectations and demonstrates problem solving abilities.

Based on the above criteria, nomination of teachers in administration is as follows:
i. Self-nomination
ii. Staff nomination
iii. PTA of School nomination
iv. Community nomination (students, alumni, traditional / religious leaders).
v. Union nomination

Interested applicants should apply through the following links: (Teacher in leadership and administration)

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The Prize is open to all professionally trained tutors currently working at the colleges of education (both public and private) and have been teaching in a College of Education for at least five (5) years.

Selection Criteria

Applications for the Ghana Teacher Prize (College Tutor Category) will be judged based on a rigorous set of criteria to select a tutor who has made outstanding contributions to the profession. The final judging committee will look for evidence of:

1. Recognition of a tutor’s achievements in the classroom and beyond from learners’/students’ appraisals, colleagues, principals, heads of departments, head teachers of partner schools (teaching practice schools) or members of the wider community. For example, through local/national awards and certificates.

2. Employing effective instructional practices that are replicable and scalable. For example, through the innovative use of technology or non-typical instructional techniques that can be replicated in other classrooms.

3. Achieving demonstrable student learning outcomes in the classroom/course. For example, through the improvement of students’ grades, students’ attendance/behavior in college, Supported Teaching in Schools (STS), community of practice; students becoming achievers in the world of work.

4. Ensuring learners receive value-based education that promotes global citizenship (different religions, gender, cultural diversity and nationalities, linking up with teacher education institutions/schools in other parts of the community/country/international, promoting exchange programmes, excursions).

5. Achievements in the community beyond the classroom that provide unique and distinguished models of excellence for the teaching profession and others.
For example, recognition through the media (e.g. contribute to debates or talk-shows), partner schools, community/religious activities, roles or awards, talks (e.g. speech days, open days, durbars, etc.), seminars; membership of local organizations. How do you bring the community into your classroom?

6. Contributing to teaching and the teaching profession through Public debates, research activities, publications, blogs, media participation, social media campaigns, events, seminars or conferences.

7. Professional Competence: This category of assessment includes academic/professional qualifications (i.e., M. Ed; preferably M. Phil and beyond in the relevant subject area/course with at least a diploma in education or Post Graduate Diploma in Education), participation in workshops and seminars, provision of in-service training and evidence of quality delivery of service (e.g. attendance at Professional Development Sessions (PDS), certificates of participation, invitation letters, etc.)

8. Professional Knowledge: This include knowledge about educational policies and reforms, curricula, National Teachers’ Standards (NTS), demonstration of subject knowledge/mastery, etc.

9. Personal Factor: This includes the social, moral, emotional, positive manifestations and role modeling (e.g. staff, students and community can attest to the tutor’s personal life as positive).

10. A teaching portfolio (e.g. Letters of recommendation, CPD certificates, invitation letters for In-Service training, verifiable students’ appraisals, promotion letters, products/artefacts/ inventions etc.)

Based on the above criteria, nomination of tutors can be by any one of the following:
i. The applicant
ii. Head of institution
iii. Colleague staff,
iv. Students,
v. Alumni,
vi. Traditional/religious leaders
vii. Union

Interested applicants should apply through the following links: (College Tutor)

All applicants are expected to adhere strictly to the attached selection criteria. The deadline for
application is 31st May, 2023

Apply now

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